Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Filming Louisiana March 23, updates for productions

There are films rolling in all around the great State of Louisiana and there will be plenty of work for crew and services who supply productions. This could be one of the best years yet in Louisiana Film. Here are the production listings as of March 23, 2010:

The Gates, Shreveport thegatesproductions@gmail.com
Butter, Shreveport butterproductionsinc@gmail.com
Green Lantern, New Orleans, greenlanternfilm@gmail.com
Shotgun Wedding, New Orleans, shotgunweddingcrew@gmail.com
The Americans, Shreveport, Attention James Gerrick cygnetfilm@yahoo.com
Frightland, Baton Rouge brandon@saintsinnerent.com
Flypaper, Baton Rouge flypaperfilm@gmail.com
Delta Blues, New Orleans deltabluesresumes@gmail.com
LA Art Show, Shrevport laartshowresumes@gmail.com
First Date Season 4 TV New Orleans k2.miket@gmail.com
Substance, New Orleans
Fishies TV New Orleans, Baton Rouge, for sound, animators, and storyboard
artist only k2.miket@gmail.com
Pray for Light, info@firesatmidnightfilms.com
Living with Leroy TV Baton Rouge Sound only k2.miket@gmail.com
Criminal Empire for Dummies, New Orleans jess.luebe@live.com
Big Red, New Orleans wwenolallc@gmail.com
Revenge of the Bridesmades TV New Orleans rotbridesmaids@gmail.com
Jeff, Who lives at Home, New Orleans jeffbrothersproductions@gmail.com
Court 13 Houma LA
Murder through the eyes of a child, New Orleanscresent.city.film@gmail.com
The Coffin, info@glassasylumprods.com
Scratching the Surface, New Orleans sts.nola.crew@gmail.com
Drive Angry, Shreveport, Fax (318) 841-3591, drivenproductionsllc@gmail.com
Death House, Baton Rouge k2.miket@gmail.com
Love Wedding Marriage, New Orleans, (504) 525-2946
Unraveled, Baton Rouge
Red, New Orleans, redneworleans@gmail.com
Silver Cord, Baton Rouge and New Orleans, silvercordcv@aol.com
Seconds Apart, Hammond
Moma's Little Baby, Louisiana
The Sean Peyton Show, New Orleans info@horizonent.tv
Treme, New Orleans, blowndeadlineprod@gmail.com
Swamp Shark, Lafayette, jobs.bulletfilms@gmail.com
Jaws of the Mississippi, Lafayette, jobs.bulletfilms@gmail.com
The 13th Gate, Louisiana
Change of Heart, Shreveport more to come
Victim 34, Baton Rouge
Verdigris, New Orleans
Blood Out, Baton Rouge, Talent talent@filmsinmotion.com Crew info@filmsinmotion.com
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, New Orleans
I wanna dance, New Orleans floyd@imi-world.com
Two Wolves, Baton Rouge info@rememberdreaming.com
The Gatekeeper, New Orleans, info@lightwaveent.com
Hatchet 2, either New Orleans or Shreveport,
Kane and Lynch, New Orleans
The Night Can be Measured
New Orleans
10,000 doors, October in New Orleans
Troll, Baton Rouge
A War Within
Hallow Point
, Baton Rouge
Playing with the Enemy, Shreveport
The Work, in Meterie
Leslie, New Orleans
Samuel Bleak, Houma
Without Fear, New Orleans
Difficult Death New Orleans
Peril, Shreveport
The Ledge, Baton Rouge

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