Filming Louisiana Magazine and database has been printed and has been shipped out to production companies throughout the United States. In addition Filming Louisiana will be hitting SXSW this year again and will be distributed in Austin at the Film, Interactive and Music conference and festival. This year SXSW will be the biggest conference and will encompass over 9 days of fun.
This magazine issue will catch you up on Millennium Studios build in Shreveport and their soon to open studios plans for the future.
Sid Yost of Amazing Animals will teach you how to handle wolves and other animals with his 30 years of training film animals for commercials, TV, and film productions.
Wayne Douglas Morgan shows us how to keep on top in Louisiana film and what keep him going in the industry as a mover and shaker.
We also catch up with the newly open Blade Studios which was on the cover of the last issue as well as an interview with Darryl Jones of the Rolling Stones while he is laying down his tracks for his first solo album at the new studio.
Filming Louisiana has over 3500 contacts of Louisiana film Crew, Services, talent and Locations in our great state. Please remember that if you plan on a production in Louisiana, check out our wonderful Louisiana talent that we have to offer in our great state instead of bringing in crew. Also if you hire local you can get an additional 5% back in tax incentives so, HIRE LOCAL.
Check out the new magazine as well as get ready for our summer issue coming out soon.
Our website which is also searchable for crew is www.filminglouisiana.com
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