This year should be as stellar as last if not better. Many productions carried over through the holidays into the new year. The most talked about film of course would be the Twilight Series filming in Baton Rouge through this winter into the spring. Battleship is another film that is getting a lot of attention in Baton Rouge. New Orleans has Looper staring Bruce Willis filming and 21 Jump Street. Shreveport has Kane and Lynch and Playing the Field. Many past productions are now in theaters including Season of the Witch, The Mechanic, and soon coming out is Battle Los Angeles.
With all the productions filming in Louisiana many new companies will be calling Louisiana home including Blade Studios which will cater to the film and recording industry and will be the premiere recording facility in the state. Millennium Studios in Shreveport will be opening soon and will be a full service movie production studio. Moonbot Studios that opened in the Fall 2010 will concentrate on animation. Amazing Animal productions which is a full service film animal supplier and trainer who handle anything from wolves to lions, tigers and bears. If you need a film animal for commercial or movie Sid Yost and Amazing Animals are the ones to call and now they call Louisiana home.
Over 140 movie applications have been filed for 2011 so there could be plenty of movie action for Louisiana this year. Every year for the past 5 years have been better than the last which says a lot for filming in Louisiana and film crews in Louisiana lending their talents to make this state the best state to film in.
Having all this action in the state makes it one of the most interesting state for film with no end in site.
This will be the year in which Louisiana makes a name as the state for film production and make people outside of Hollywood realize that not only can you come to Louisiana to film but the crew you need is already here ready to work and already working.
Come to Louisiana and make this home to your next production!
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