Filming Louisiana Magazine has gone out to production companies in New York and Los Angeles as well as to Louisiana production offices, film studios, film offices and film Professionals.
Our summer issue cover story is about Blade Studios in Shreveport being constructed for music production and movie post production. The wave studio and R2 productions is also covered in this issue as well as Glorioso Casting.
There are over 3000 contacts in our database for production companies to use for our Louisiana crews and services. Our website also has a search able database at www.filminglouisiana.com and grows daily.
We are now progressively working on our Winter 2011 issue so we are looking for some great articles as well as new advertisers. It is never too early to discuss advertising for 2011.
This year Louisiana again looks like it may break previous records for productions filmed in Louisiana. It has really been a great year for productions and it seems to get better everyday with no signs of slowing in the near future.
We would like to personally thank all of the Louisiana crews, services, talent and locations that have helped mold this state into one of the best places to film in the country. Production numbers have increased and there are some great productions slated to finish out this year.
All crew members should pat themselves on their backs for making all of the Louisiana film industry one of the greatest.
All crew members should pat themselves on their backs for making all of the Louisiana film industry one of the greatest.
Also, on a side note we should all look at Katrina, which could have wiped out the industry as a whole, changed the south but at the same time spread the industry throughout the State of Louisiana. In a strange twist of fate Katrina gave a new industry to many cities who may have never participated in film production. We would like to say that Katrina did destroy lives, jobs, property and everything else you can imagine but through the ashes of disaster Louisiana does and will continue to prevail. Please think about all those who died in Katrina on this 5 year Anniversary of the greatest natural disaster in the United States!
Christopher Moore
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