I had the pleasure of working on the film Year One or The Year One in two capacities. I design and build props so I worked with the Prop Master, the Set Decortator, and Art Director on the film. I also had the chance to play "The Potter" where I played a pot maker(Pottery not Pot as many crew members were asking for my pot)which is really a background part. It was a great expierence to have the opportunity to hang out on this massive set as you can see from the photos. I had the chance to go out to the set when they first started building it for to look it over to get a feel for what I was going to build. I got to go into the buildings and watch them pour the concrete for the town square. The set had many out buildings as well as a town square, a palace, homes, and a gaurd house to name a few.
Some of the props I built ended up at the interior set at Stage Works in Shreveport as well as the outdoor set of the city of Sodom was built in Sibley Louisiana which is about 30 miles east of Shreveport. More photos will surface as the film gets closer to it's tenative release date of June 19, 2009. The photos which are bootleg of someone most likley an extra who snuck a camera to the set, show some of the set. The bottom one of Jack Black and Michael Cera is an offical released photo. The 3rd photo is Jack Black warming up during a cold day of shooting. The 5th photo is Jack Black and Michael Cera talking to Harold Ramis on set. Harold plays father time in a small role on top of Directing the film.
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