Filming Louisiana style: Movies keep rolling into the South and there is no end in sight. Keep up the good work Louisiana crews!
From the Rough, New Orleans, fromtheroughproductions@gmail.com
The Lucky One, New Orleans, theluckyoneresumes@gmail.com
Killer Joe, New Orleans, killerjoeresumes@gmail.com
The Power of Few, New Orleans, prod@steelyardpictures.com
Battleship, Baton Rouge, hopperBR@gmail.com
Shark Night, Shreveport, chumproductionsllc@gmail.com
Columbiana New Orleans, colombianaus@gmail.com
Tresspass Shreveport, tpproductionsllc@gmail.com
Cold to the Touch, more soon
Twilight, Baton Rouge
Office Parinormal, Louisiana
Thicker, Louisiana
Book of Life, New Orleans
Dead Serious, New Orleans
The Town that Dreaded Sundown, Baton Rouge
The Blind Bastard Club, New Orleans
The Body Escort, Louisiana
Moments of Life, New Orleans
Storm Bringer, Lafayette, 337.706.8971
The Grief Tourist, New Orleans, tgt.productions@gmail.com
Chasing the Hawk New Orleans wwenolallc@gmail.com
Selma, New Orleans selmafilms1965@gmail.com
Imagination Movers Season 3, New Orleans, imaginationmovers1@earthlink.net
The Chaperone, New Orleans, wwenolallc@gmail.com
Billy the Exterminator, Season 3, Shreveport, bpecasting@gmail.com
The Black Ghost, New Orleans thefirsthurd@yahoo.com
Ghostbreakers Tv Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Orleans production@slowchildrenonline.net
Fury, Baton Rouge furyresume@gmail.com fax 225-906-0466
The Fields New Orleans, gideonproductions2010@gmail.com
Brawler New Orleans, office@brawlerthemovie.com
The Big Valley, Baton Rouge, sanford2hampton@aol.com
Shark Night 3D, Shreveport, info@afterdarkfilms.com
Dead Mans Gold, Louisiana
The Boys Club, Folsum Louisiana info@gravityfilms.com
The Courier, Baton Rouge info@filmsinmotion.com
The Leaving, New Orleans
The Americans, Shreveport, Attention James Gerrick cygnetfilm@yahoo.com
Frightland, Baton Rouge brandon@saintsinnerent.com
Pray for Light, info@firesatmidnightfilms.com
Living with Leroy TV Baton Rouge Sound only k2.miket@gmail.com
Big Red, New Orleans wwenolallc@gmail.com
Court 13, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Houma LA Murder through the eyes of a child, New Orleanscresent.city.film@gmail.com
The Coffin, info@glassasylumprods.com
Scratching the Surface, New Orleans sts.nola.crew@gmail.com
Unraveled, Baton Rouge
Battleship, Baton Rouge, hopperBR@gmail.com
Shark Night, Shreveport, chumproductionsllc@gmail.com
Columbiana New Orleans, colombianaus@gmail.com
Tresspass Shreveport, tpproductionsllc@gmail.com
Cold to the Touch, more soon
Twilight, Baton Rouge
Office Parinormal, Louisiana
Thicker, Louisiana
Book of Life, New Orleans
Dead Serious, New Orleans
The Town that Dreaded Sundown, Baton Rouge
The Blind Bastard Club, New Orleans
The Body Escort, Louisiana
Moments of Life, New Orleans
Storm Bringer, Lafayette, 337.706.8971
The Grief Tourist, New Orleans, tgt.productions@gmail.com
Chasing the Hawk New Orleans wwenolallc@gmail.com
Selma, New Orleans selmafilms1965@gmail.com
Imagination Movers Season 3, New Orleans, imaginationmovers1@earthlink.net
The Chaperone, New Orleans, wwenolallc@gmail.com
Billy the Exterminator, Season 3, Shreveport, bpecasting@gmail.com
The Black Ghost, New Orleans thefirsthurd@yahoo.com
Ghostbreakers Tv Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Orleans production@slowchildrenonline.net
Fury, Baton Rouge furyresume@gmail.com fax 225-906-0466
The Fields New Orleans, gideonproductions2010@gmail.com
Brawler New Orleans, office@brawlerthemovie.com
The Big Valley, Baton Rouge, sanford2hampton@aol.com
Shark Night 3D, Shreveport, info@afterdarkfilms.com
Dead Mans Gold, Louisiana
The Boys Club, Folsum Louisiana info@gravityfilms.com
The Courier, Baton Rouge info@filmsinmotion.com
The Leaving, New Orleans
The Americans, Shreveport, Attention James Gerrick cygnetfilm@yahoo.com
Frightland, Baton Rouge brandon@saintsinnerent.com
Pray for Light, info@firesatmidnightfilms.com
Living with Leroy TV Baton Rouge Sound only k2.miket@gmail.com
Big Red, New Orleans wwenolallc@gmail.com
Court 13, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Houma LA Murder through the eyes of a child, New Orleanscresent.city.film@gmail.com
The Coffin, info@glassasylumprods.com
Scratching the Surface, New Orleans sts.nola.crew@gmail.com
Unraveled, Baton Rouge
Mysterious Island, Baton Rouge
Transit, Baton Rouge
Silver Cord, Baton Rouge and New Orleans, silvercordcv@aol.com
Seconds Apart, Hammond
Moma's Little Baby, Louisiana
Swamp Shark, Lafayette, jobs.bulletfilms@gmail.com
The 13th Gate, Louisiana
Change of Heart, Shreveport more to come
Victim 34, Baton Rouge
Verdigris, New Orleans
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, New Orleans
I wanna dance, New Orleans floyd@imi-world.com
Two Wolves, Baton Rouge info@rememberdreaming.com
The Gatekeeper, New Orleans, info@lightwaveent.com
Kane and Lynch, Louisiana
The Night Can be Measured
Remnants New Orleans
10,000 doors, October in New Orleans
Troll, Baton Rouge
A War Within
Hallow Point, Baton Rouge
Playing with the Enemy, Shreveport
The Work, in Meterie
Without Fear, New Orleans
Difficult Death, New Orleans
The Ledge, Baton Rouge
Silver Cord, Baton Rouge and New Orleans, silvercordcv@aol.com
Seconds Apart, Hammond
Moma's Little Baby, Louisiana
Swamp Shark, Lafayette, jobs.bulletfilms@gmail.com
The 13th Gate, Louisiana
Change of Heart, Shreveport more to come
Victim 34, Baton Rouge
Verdigris, New Orleans
The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea, New Orleans
I wanna dance, New Orleans floyd@imi-world.com
Two Wolves, Baton Rouge info@rememberdreaming.com
The Gatekeeper, New Orleans, info@lightwaveent.com
Kane and Lynch, Louisiana
The Night Can be Measured
Remnants New Orleans
10,000 doors, October in New Orleans
Troll, Baton Rouge
A War Within
Hallow Point, Baton Rouge
Playing with the Enemy, Shreveport
The Work, in Meterie
Without Fear, New Orleans
Difficult Death, New Orleans
The Ledge, Baton Rouge